Thursday, November 10, 2011

Abandon your hang ups all who enter here

Hello and welcome to you all who are reading this.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Victoria I'm 32 shortly to be 33 I'm a 5.9 glasses wearing brunette with the audacity to be a size 28/30 .I love nice clothes but frequesntly find that clothes shopping can become a form of torture with poor options, rubbish fit and just general naffness.

This blog will offer unbiased views of many designers and retailers. I will also be putting forward my thoughts on regards to body image, eating disorders, general wellbeing and a multitude of other subjects

Thankyou for joining me.  It's going to be a hell of a ride

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tori!

    Good luck with your new blog...I am really excited to see what you create here.

    I've been reading your comments about fashion for some time now, and I know that you have a lot to say that is relevant, informative and interesting.

    Anyone interested in plus-size fashion should be reading this...
