Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Living in fairy land....

It appears once again the chain store H&M is hitting the headlines for the wrong reasons. In the last 2 months Donatella Versace refused to work with "NORMAL" sized models for her diffusion collaberation with them. Now it has been confirmed that most of the "models" bodies on their website are computer generated so they can "design" a body that can display the clothes better than a real person.

Look familiar?

I believe that any photos in magazines, websites and in shops if they have had ANY kind of touch up/photoshop/cyber intervention this should be clearly labelled.

These totally unhuman pictures are a disgrace. Women and in particular teenagers follow these magazines and they are being given images straight out of fairyland. These body shapes are not real. Susan Ringwood, chief executive of the eating disorder charity Beat, said: 'We understand why you need a mannequin to stand in a shop window, but not when you could have a real living body instead.

I have never bought in H&M although they have a small plus section not in every store. On the few occasions I have been in the workmanship is dire and the fit is abysmal.

I have a feeling this is not going to be the last we hear about computer generated models there are a few other sites that I can think of where the models seem too perfect for words.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to be negative, but I have found the H&M plus-size collection in store in our local branch (Brighton) to be somewhat-ahem-lacklustre, and I have also had reason to complain in the past about their advertising (my complaint was upheld by the Advertising Complaints Authority)!

    I'm sure they will do better in the future, because they cater to a young clientelle, and as we all know, younger women are getting larger all the time!
